Hello! welcome to Fadion-MC :) This is a large coded project by Daunt3dMC on youtube and planning to learn code and make a game! (when i do you can play via github or crap)

here are some cool games and links included below

clup penguin (fan revival) Daunt3d's Youtube

if anything is smooshed together it is because i am begining html

Down here im going to do sum stuff idk

what is this and why? well, i've always wanted a website and to make a game, wellllllll, to my surprise, Neocites!, Neocities Helped me learn html code a little bit!

mc (bedrock) server ip and port: ip: fadionmc.aternos.me port: 45118

aternos is the mc server hoster i use (COMPLETELY FREE!)

other parts of this site

separate section 1

another one:

separate section 2

donte holed mee acontabol!!1!1